Archive for November, 2023

10 Best AI Chatbot SaaS Tools You Need To Know In 2023

Why AI Chatbots for SaaS are the Best Customer Support Automation Tool in 2024 In 2023, it’s expected that chatbot shopping will hit $112 billion. About 40% of spending on cognitive AI goes into software, especially in areas like conversational AI and machine learning. Since the pandemic began, about two-thirds of top global financial firms […]

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O que faz um cientista de dados e por que esta profissão está em alta?

As linguagens de programação ainda são muito importantes para esse perfil profissional e é necessário dominar algumas já conhecidas, como JAVA, C++, C# e Perl. Conseguir realizar cruzamento de dados que ninguém pensou e encontrar a informação mais escondida são capacidades raras e que trazem um grande diferencial para o profissional que se habilita a […]

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Understanding Income Statements vs Balance Sheets

It is important to note the key differences between these two financial statements to help you efficiently gauge the health of your company. With a balance sheet in hand, you can find information about how much money the business has spent, and how much debt the company owes. Investors and business owners can use it […]

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Зарплати Українських Розробників Літо 2020

Його проводив Ашот Осипян – Lead Software Engineer в Ощадбанк. Це грамотний фахівець, який розробляє додатки для iOS і Аndroid на React Native. Цієї хвилі ми додали можливість обирати кілька додаткових мов програмування (до трьох) та розширили список варіантом TypeScript. Нижче представляємо перелік основних мов програмування з динамікою за eight років, а також з розбивкою за додатковою мовою та фреймворками. На найбільшу оплату праці розробник JavaScript, […]

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